Corporate services
Whatever sector your business operates in, you require an advantage over your competitors. Ideally you want to offer a better proposition at a better price. As a result more and more companies trade overseas to either source products or to sell goods and services.
Experienced foreign exchange companies help many organisations minimise the cost of trading overseas and also provide an efficent currency transfer process to keep relationships in good health.
Currency Exchange brokers are specialists and understand the needs of their clients and the importance of buying foreign currency at competitive exchange rates. Unlike High Street Banks, Specialist Foreign Exchange companies can offer great exchange rates and an excellent service.
Brokers can also help companies manage their future foreign exchange requirements. As well as offering 'spot' contracts, the brokers can quote 'Forward Contracts' and they can also advise on 'limit orders' and 'stop loss orders'.
Exchange rates on all major cross currencies, such as British Pound/ US Dollar, British Pound/ Euro and British Pound/Japanese Yen ncan be supplied.